Parables of Jesus. Introduction

The parables of Jesus can be found in all the Canonical gospels as well as in some of the non-canonical gospels but are located mainly within the three synoptic gospels. They represent a key part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings.



 The parables of Jesus can be found in all the Canonical gospels as well as in some of the non-canonical gospels but are located mainly within the three synoptic gospels. They represent a key part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings.

mp3The parables of Jesus can be found in all the Canonical gospels as well as in some of the non-canonical gospels but are located mainly within the three synoptic gospels. They represent a key part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings.




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Йосеф Шулам

Йосеф Шулам родился в 1946 году в Болгарии (в сефардской еврейской семье). В 1948 году его семья эмигрировала в Израиль, незадолго до создания государства... Выступает с лекциями по всему миру и оказывает помощь в обучении учеников в таких странах, как, Россия, США, Китай, Япония, а так же в ряде других стран, и, конечно же, в Израиле... Преподает в хайфском теологическом институте. Является автором ряда книг по теологии. Говорит на семи языках.

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